Ways to Commit to Renewal Every Day


The rhythm of life is change. New situations and challenges emerge, old habits no longer serve you and new opportunities knock on your door. In order to stay grounded, embrace change, and build a stronger foundation as you continue forward. It’s crucial to practice a commitment to renewal on a regular basis. When it comes to cultivating a lifestyle of renewal, there are many ways to keep the same level of enthusiasm throughout the year. While some may find it challenging to commit to this type of lifestyle change from time-to-time—especially if you’re used to living in a hectic world where tasks are prioritized over periods of rest—it’s truly worth embracing the process and committing for the long-term benefits that come with it. Here are 7 practical tips for how you can commit daily to renewing yourself:

Make it a habit

It’s easy to get into the mindset of “when am I going to do this?” or “maybe I’ll start tomorrow,” but when you actually make it a habit, you can start seeing results much faster. Whether it’s setting a specific time each day to unwind or committing to a few activities that you enjoy, you’ll be surprised at how much more mindful and present you become when you make it a regular part of your routine.

Be specific

When looking to implement a change in your life—be it committing to a new practice, building a new habit, or creating a new environment—it’s important to be specific about what you’re trying to achieve. Some of the most effective lifestyle changes are the ones that are paired with a specific intention. Whether it’s making a commitment to yourself to exercise more, create a healthy diet, or reduce your stress levels, you’ll reap the most benefits if you’re focused on the result you’re hoping to get.

Take action

It’s one thing to read about something, or commit to doing it. It’s completely different when you actually get in the habit of taking action. There’s a huge difference between reading a blog post and reading a book and actually applying what you’ve read. Put simply, don’t just keep committing to renewal. Commit to taking action. Structure your day, week, month and year with goals in mind. Whether you’re looking to spend more time meditating, reading a new book, taking a trip to rejuvenate your mind or simply prioritizing your health, commit to taking action.

Reflect, reflect, reflect!

While putting your commitment into practice is an important part of the process, sustaining a commitment to renewal requires a level of awareness that extends beyond the moment. It’s important to be mindful of your current state of mind, as well as the state of your surroundings and relationships. Be open to reflecting on where you are, where you’ve been, and where you’re headed. Sustaining a commitment to renewal doesn’t mean you have to be perfect or above making mistakes. It does mean you’re willing to acknowledge them, learn from them, and move forward with a sense of humility.

Set small goals for yourself and celebrate your successes!

When it comes to setting goals and committing to a lifestyle of renewal, don’t try to set the world on fire in one fell swoop. Instead, think about setting small, manageable goals for yourself. Whether it’s making time for yourself each day, reading one book, meditating for 15 minutes, eating one serving of vegetables or taking one day a week off, committing to renewal doesn’t have to be all-encompassing. It can be broken down into smaller, more manageable goals that you can celebrate. Celebrate your successes and build your momentum.

Don’t be afraid to push back from your comfort zones and try something new!

When it comes to committing to renewal, don’t be afraid to push back from your comfort zones and try something new. Whether it’s taking a trip to a new city, taking up a new hobby, learning a new skill or trying out a new restaurant—commit to pushing back from your comfort zones, and committing to try something new. While it’s important to build out a foundation of habits that you’re comfortable with, it’s also important to try and expand your horizons and make some new transitions in your life.


The world is in a constant state of change and renewal. It’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of doing the same things, thinking the same thoughts, and experiencing the same emotions. This can lead to a sense of stagnation in your life and feelings of being stuck. The easiest way to break out of this cycle is to commit to a daily practice of renewal. Whether it’s building a connection with nature, journaling, meditating, creating art, or speaking with a mentor, commit to renewal, and you’ll find that change and growth become much more accessible. In order to commit to renewal, you need to make a conscious effort to maintain an intentional lifestyle change. Change is difficult, especially when it comes to your routine. However, change is inevitable, so be proactive and make an effort to commit to renewal.



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